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Staying Level

"Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision."

Winston Churchill

Fear and anxiety are not gifts, they are not your friends, you don't need them, you don't want them, you can do without them. They both lead to overreaction and ill health. I'll keep this as simple and as short as I can. There is a strong correlation between the inner organs and your emotions, your emotions are part of the organs, they reside in them and they are greatly affected by them. Powerful major emotions such as fear and anxiety in excess can cause blockages in our chi flow and can over time make us ill. Literally we psychologically worry ourselves physically sick.

Anxiety: Knots chi and affects the stomach and digestive system, causing indigestion and lethargy. We may also develop cold limbs.

Fear: Makes chi descend which can over time affect the heart. Also weakened kidney energy can lead to fluid retention, chronic tiredness, dizziness and balance problems. Coldness and pain can manifest in the lower back. Long term we can become depressed, insecure and forgetful.

It is the nature of living things to resist change. We fear to let go of the stable world which we have known and enter into the unknown, the uncertain and the unpredictable. So transformation must happen slowly and with our current situation this hasn't happened, which is why everyone feels so overwhelmed.

Life is eternal change. A neverending cycle of birth, growth, change, rebirth, and we as individuals are very much a piece of the totality of it all. Time and change march on regardless of ourselves.

Now all this change all this impermanence need not be a negative. When you are in extreme pain or discomfort you can take comfort in the knowledge that the pain will pass. Bitter winter gives way to a warming spring. A bad mood gives way to a good one. The bulb gives way to the flower. Change can be a wonderful thing. Without it the sun wouldn't rise or set, the Earth wouldn't turn, our blood wouldn't flow, our breath wouldn't move, our hearts wouldn't beat. Without change the wonder of the world would not be ours...Everything would be frozen, stopped, dead. Change is life itself and all that exists.

To overcome fear you have to take control of your thoughts and feelings. Rather than worry about what might happen resolve to turn things around, to be adaptable and optimistic. Empower yourself. Know that you have the strength to cope and stay on top of everything. Know the potential like a potent seed is there waiting for you to animate it.

As a child of the universe you have the same power and potential within you that exists outside of you and whenever there is need that strength will arise. Whenever two or more are joined in a cause their power is more than doubled and even when you are alone you are still with yourself.

Tricks of the trade to control fear

A simple formula

Fear is emotion, emotion is controlled by breathing...Breathe!

Tai Chi Chuan

Yang style turn and lotus kick (both sides repeating). Chen style Buddha's attendant warrior pounds his pestle (both sides repeating).

Chi Kung

Ba Duan Jin. It was created for soldiers who faced death every day. It's basically all kidney, spleen and lung work.

Heel Drumming

While seated on a firm floor, legs outstretched in front (panda bear style) drum your heels slightly for around three minutes. This sets up a vibration inside your body that is beneficial for controlling pain, healing broken bones and creating a general sense of wellness. Drumming the heels pre - combat is an ancient trick warriors have embraced worldwide. The vibration awakens the serpent energy at the base of the spine sending it rippling outwards.

Chopstick Break

An old Samurai secret method to overcome anything. When faced with a crisis they would put a little spittle on the earlobe and exhale deeply through the nose, at that moment they would snap a chopstick. I know this sounds strange but you're actually gathering yourself by talking to your subconscious via symbols. You can equate it to the 'letting go' phase of the five elements form .

Parable (one of my favourites)

Fate whispers to the warrior "You cannot withstand this storm."

The warrior whispers back "I am the storm."

Thinking of you all


Steel is damned strong, but human resilience is far stronger.

Originally published to Facebook March 2020

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