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Just Let The Magic Do That Thing That It Does

'Self-control is strength; right thought is mastery; calmness is power; say unto your heart "peace be still."'

As a man thinketh

James Allen

With the world currently as it is, I felt it was about time to remind everyone that it's at times like this all your years of personal effort pay off.

Tai Chi is many things - a martial art, a mystical art, a magical art and a holistic art, and you need to embrace all these different aspects of the art (not just pieces of it) so the transformative element within this system can work its magic upon you. Always keep in mind that Tai Chi is an energetically based physical method of personal development. A way of wellness, of benefits seen and unseen which come slowly over time for the diligent. From a health perspective you can regard Tai Chi as a survival art from times long past. Back in the day most medical help was strictly a DIY affair. People realised that self protection is found through health first. Tai Chi teaches this where as many other arts do not. A strong immune system is a gift, you must create it and maintain it. One of the best health benefits of Tai Chi is that it triggers the immune system to strengthen itself. Tai Chi gives us our lives back, it staves off the harsh effects of daily life. Tai Chi gives life back to us in the form of energy and happiness. So keep up your practice. Tai Chi skill comes from a teacher, but it is matured into a valuable life tool by you. All of the focus, intention, breath and dynamic action help you to join the unity of mind, body and spirit. For this to be fruitful you must use intuition, feeling and common sense. Most of all you need to practice with passion. If done right nothing is better than this! Value each day, be grateful for what you've got and give thanks to the universe in the form of a martial prayer in motion.

Renew your energy and show yourself some kindness


Originally posted to Facebook 10th March 2020

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